Documenting North America's past & present covered
No project of this magnitude can be done without the help of a number of
dedicated and generous individuals. The information we have so far has been
compiled over many years by a few people who have been generous enough to share
it with us. Although we don't know the names of everyone who has contributed to
that information, we express our deepest gratitude to those who have compiled it
and offered to share it.
They include (in no particular order):
- Dick Roy for his lists of bridges from multiple states and for sharing his
photograph collection.
- Todd Clark for the thousands of pictures he has donated and for
researching locations of the bridges.
- Gérald Arbour and Gaétan Forest for compiling the list of past Québec
bridges for the former Société québécoise des ponts couverts.
Gérald has also provided hundreds of pictures from his collection.
- John Sechrist for his list of past Indiana bridges compiled for the
Indiana Covered Bridge Society.
- Robert Cassidy for his information and pictures of Rutland County, VT
- Bill Cockrell for his information and pictures of Oregon bridges.
- Phil Wentzel and Joseph Conwill for their assistance with Maine
- Fred Moll for his information on Pennsylvania bridges.
- Miriam Wood for sharing her extensive research Ohio bridges.
- Lisa Plamondon for the hundreds of pictures she has donated.
- Dale J. Travis for allowing use of many pictures from his website.
- Howard Rogers for sharing his research on bridges of North and South
- Thomas Kipphorn for sharing his extensive research and pictures of Pennsylvania
- Robert Laughlin for sharing his database of Kentucky covered bridge
- Robert W. Scoggin, Arkansas State Highway & Transportation Department.
- Leola and Steve Pierce for providing information and pictures of Virginia
- Clint Frackman and William Umek for the Pennsylvania information and pictures they have provided.
- Bob & Trish Kane for including their personal postcard collection along with that
of the late Richard Donovan.
- Paul Santo, Hawaii Department of Transportation.
Other photo contributors include:
Elna Johnson |
Jim McKimm |
Lebanon (NH) Historical Society |
Brian McKee |
Harry Hill |
Pike County (Indiana) Historical Society |
Andy Rebman |
Gregory S. Hamilton |
Pittsfield (NH) Historical Society |
Kim McKee |
Stephen Stroup |
Harvard (MA) Historical Society |
Bill Eichelberger |
Bob Sheldon |
Sheila Brandon |
Warren White |
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