Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges

This form can display bridge data currently stored in the database. It may not reflect recent additions since that data needs to be verified before it can be included. If you find errors in the data please contact Bill Caswell.

If you would like to provide information on covered bridges that no longer exist from your state, or adopt a state to work on, we would certainly welcome your assistance. Please contact Trish Kane for more information.


First time using this form? Review information about the search options.

Fill in desired fields for search. A % can be used to wildcard entries. For example, entering Con% in the town field will find Concord, Conway, Conneaut, etc.
When searching dates, you will have better results if the year is surrounded with %'s. For example, entering %1927% for the date lost will find entries such as 4 Nov 1927 and 1927 or 1928.


Bridge Name
Feature Crossed
Name of Builder
Truss Type
# of Spans
Items per page
Year Built
Date Lost
Cause of Loss

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