Documenting North America's past & present covered
No project of this magnitude can be done without the help of a number of
dedicated and generous individuals. The information we have so far has been
compiled over many years by a few people who have been generous enough to share
it with us. Although we don't know the names of everyone who has contributed to
that information, we express our deepest gratitude to those who have compiled it
and offered to share it.
In addition to Thomas Kipphorn's personal research of Pennsylvania bridges,
his other sources include:
General Pennsylvania Sources
Adams County
- Wooden Covered Spans- Volume 15 Number 2 Spring, 1992
- Gettysburg Times- July 12, 1947 Article on the removal of Hereter's Mill
Bridge at Knoxlyn. Included partial list of Adams County covered bridges.
- Portals Magazine- Volume 2 #3 September, 1962 and Volume 6 #s 2 & 3
June & September, 1966
Allegheny County
Armstrong County
Beaver County
Bucks County
Carbon County
Chester County
- Andy's Antique Atlases at http://www.andysantiqueatlases.com
1873 Chester County Atlas (Published by Witmers)
1883 Chester County Atlas (Published by Breous)
- Covered Bridges of Chester County, Pennsylvania-by Arthur E. James (1976)
Franklin Online Maps at: http://www.franklinmaps.com/five_co_left.htm For online Chester County, PA Roadmaps.
- HomePages at: http://www.homepages.com for aerial imagery.
- Mill Pictures at www.millpictures.com for bridge names associated with water powered mills and some bridge information.
- Pennsylvania Crossings, Vol. 11 #2, Spring 1988 The newsletter of the Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society of Pennsylvania, Inc.
- Photo of PA/38-15-112x from page 72 of The Pennsylvania Railroad, A Pictorial History by Edwin P. Alexander, copyright 1947 by W.W. Norton & Co, Inc. Courtesy of Al Giannantonio, President of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Pennsylvania Railroad Technical and Historical Society at: http://www.prrths.com/Phila_New_Index.htm
- The Reading Company Technical and Historical Society at www.readingrailroad.org Also the Reading Railroad Heritage Museum and the Hagley Museum and Library for information on several of the railroad bridges. Thanks to Mr. Richard Bates, Publication Editor and Archivist.
Crawford County
Cumberland County
Erie County
Franklin County
Fulton County
Indiana County
Lancaster County
- Lancaster County Courthouse Archives and the County Engineer's office.
- The late Mr. Chester Paes.
- The late Mr. Henry Falk.
Lebanon County
Luzerne County
McKean County
Mercer County
Montgomery County
- Mr. Richard N. Mansley - Information on Newtown Branch of the Reading
Railroad bridges.
- The Reading Company Technical and Historical Society at www.readingrailroad.org
- The Reading Railroad Heritage Museum and the Hagley Museum and Library for
information on several of the railroad bridges. Thanks to Mr. Richard Bates,
Publication Editor and Archivist.
- Wooden Covered Spans (Magazine of the Theodore Burr Covered
Bridge Society of PA, Inc.) Volume 18, #2 (pages 8 & 9) Article by Fred
Northumberland County
Sources of the original 1993 list
- The late Mrs. Sara M. Boyle from whose records most of the original
came from.
- The late Mr. Henry C. Falk for his help with bridge locations.
- Columbia County Covered Bridge list - Wooden Covered Spans, Fall 1992 (For
the Roaring Creek, South Branch bridges) -Magazine of the Theodore Burr
Covered Bridge Society of PA, Inc.
- Portals, September, 1963 - Past magazine of the Theodore Burr Covered
Bridge Society of PA, Inc.
- Wooden Covered Spans - Volume 4 #1 page 6
- Canals Along the Lower Susquehanna (1963) Gerald Smeltzer
- Chuck Hopta, Northumberland County Engineer's Office
Sources for the 2006 update
- Charles Hopta - Northumberland County Engineer's Office - for additions,
corrections to the old list.
- Larry Hill and/or www.miltonhistory.org
for corrections to Milton Borough and surrounding area.
- Knoebels Grove Park- for bridges on their property
- Robert Parks and/or http://coveredbridges.org
for additional help with the Roaring Creek, South Branch bridges.
- Ben and June Evans- information on PA/38-49-14
Philadelphia County
- Covered Bridge Topics- Magazine of the National Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc.
Vol. 46, #4 (Fall, 1988) pages 4-6: Article by Henry C. Falk
Vol. 53, #4 (Fall, 1995) pages 4-6: Article by Joseph D. Conwill and John
McArthur Harris Jr.
Vol. 56, #2 (Spring, 1998) pages 4-7: Photographs from the Christine
Ellsworth Stereopticon Collection
- Pennsylvania Railroad system around Philadelphia area in 1948, at: http://www.railsandtrails.com/Maps/PRR-Philadelphia/default.htm
- Philanet.com, at www.philanet.com
for information on the Manayunk area along the Schuylkill River.
- Philly H20, The History of Philadelphia's Watersheds and Sewers, at: http://www.phillyh2o.org
for on site maps and articles
- The Reading Company Technical and Historical Society, at www.readingrailroad.org
- Also, the Reading Railroad Heritage Museum and the Hagley Museum and
Library for information on several of the railroad bridges. Thanks to Mr.
Richard Bates, Publication Editor and Archivist.
- Wooden Covered Spans-Magazine of the Theodore Burr Covered Bridge
Society of PA Inc., Vol. 28, #1 (Winter, 2005) pages 4-5 Article by Thomas E.
Walczak, President of the Burr Society
Schulykill County
Schulykill County
Snyder County
Union County
Warren County
Washington County
Wayne County
Westmoreland County
Wyoming County
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