Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges


Sarvis Fork or New Era, Jackson County

If you find errors in the data please contact Bill Caswell.

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Inventory Number: WV/48-18-01#2
County: Jackson County
Township: Ravenswood
Town/Village: New Era
Bridge Name: Sarvis Fork or New Era
Crosses: Left Fork, Sandy Creek
Truss type: Long & Arch
Spans: 1+
Length: 102.5'
Roadway Width: 11'-9"
Built: 2000
Builder: R.C. Construction Co.
When Lost: standing
Latitude: N38 55.279
Longitude: W081 38.669
See a map of the area
Topographic map of the area
Directions: 2.6 miles east of jct I-77 (Exit 146 north) on CR56 (Old WV56), then 1.35 miles left on CR33/12 (Independence), then 1.3 miles left on CR21 (Parkersburg Rd.) and 0.1 miles right on CR21/15 (Sarvis Fork Rd.). Northeast of Sandyville, near New Era.

Sarvis Fork or New Era Bridge, Ravenswood, Jackson County, WV Built 2000
Bob Sheldon Photo, August 20, 2010

Sarvis Fork or New Era Bridge, Ravenswood, Jackson County, WV Built 2000
Bill Caswell Photo, September 29, 2016

Sarvis Fork or New Era Bridge, Ravenswood, Jackson County, WV Built 2000
Bill Caswell Photo, September 29, 2016

Sarvis Fork or New Era Bridge over Left Fork, Sandy Creek was built in 2000. The previous covered bridge at this location was built in 1889, 1890 or 1892. It was abandoned and relocated in 1924 after a metal bridge was built nearby. In 2000, extensive repairs were made to the bridge such as replacing the floor system with timber decking on steel stringers, installing a stainless steel roof and replacing wooden siding where necessary.
Wood, Miriam F. & Simmons, David A.. Covered Bridges: Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, 2007, pages 263, 277
National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges. World Guide to Covered Bridges, 2021, page 159

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