Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges


Carrollton, Barbour County

If you find errors in the data please contact Bill Caswell.

If you would like to provide information on covered bridges that no longer exist from your state, or adopt a state to work on, we would certainly welcome your assistance. Please contact Trish Kane for more information.

Inventory Number: WV/48-01-02
County: Barbour County
Township: Union
Town/Village: Carrollton
Bridge Name: Carrollton
Crosses: Buckhannon River
Truss type: Burr
Spans: 1+
Length: 156'
Roadway Width:
Built: 1855-56
Builder: Emmett and Daniel O’Brien
When Lost: standing
Latitude: N39 05.408
Longitude: W080 05.190
See a map of the area
Topographic map of the area
Directions: 3.4 miles south-southwest of jct WV57 on US119, then 0.8 miles left on CR36. East of Volga.

Carrollton Bridge, Union, Barbour County, WV Built 1855 or 1862
Richard Sanders Allen Collection, NSPCB Archives

Carrollton Bridge, Union, Barbour County, WV Built 1855-56
Bill Caswell Photo, July 16, 2008

Carrollton Bridge, Union, Barbour County, WV Built 1855-56
Bill Caswell Photo, July 16, 2008

Carrollton Bridge, Union, Barbour County, WV Built 1855-56
Bill Caswell Photo, July 16, 2008

The 1862 construction date was from a West Virginia covered bridge listing in the Summer 1976 Topics. According to the West Virginia Department of Transportation, the bridge was built by Emmett and Daniel O’Brien in 1856 at a cost of $2,928 for abutments and $1,891 for the superstructure, which used the patented Burr Arch type and consists of two multiple Kingpost trusses. In 1962 a new bridge was built at this location. The sides and roof of the covered bridge were placed over the new structure with a cement floor. In 2002, Hoke Brothers Contracting of Union, WV completed renovations on the bridge at a cost of $389,609. An arsonist burned the bridge on August 10, 2017 seriously damaging the wooden structure but not the concrete deck. The bridge was reopened to traffic on September 14, 2017 while repairs are being designed.
Auvil, Myrtle. Covered Bridges of West Virginia Past & Present, 1973, pages 64-66
Travis, Dale. 'West Virginia Covered Bridges List', updated to 23 Feb 2005, (12 Mar 2005)
National Society For the Preservation of Covered Bridges. Covered Bridge Topics, Volume XXXIV, No. 3, Summer 1976, page 11
Wood, Miriam F. & Simmons, David A.. Covered Bridges: Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, 2007, pages 254-255, 276
National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges. World Guide to Covered Bridges, 2021, page 157

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