Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges


Davis, Windham County

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Inventory Number: VT/45-13-P02x
County: Windham County
Township: Whitingham
Town/Village: Whitingham Station
Bridge Name: Davis
Crosses: Deerfield River
Truss type: Pony
Spans: 2
Roadway Width:
When Lost: c1922
Latitude: N42 47.93
Longitude: W072 54.36
See a map of the area
Topographic map of the area
Directions: The bridge site is now in the Harriman Reservoir between Whitingham and Readsboro.

Davis Bridge, Whitingham, Windham County, VT
Richard E. Roy Collection
Coordinates are approximate. Per the Vermont Phoenix (Brattleboro), August 20, 1880, "On the 1st day of March, 1830, Abram, Chase and James White were added to the bridge committee; and commissioners were appointed to locate the bridge which the town proposed to build over Deerfield river. Who these commissioners were does not appear, but the town voted, April 6th, not to build a bridge where it was located by the commissioners. On the 24th of October, 1835, the town 'voted to build a bridge across Deerfield river where it was built before. Nehemiah Sabin, James White and Elisha Putnam were chosen to contract for the making of said bridge across Deerfield river. Voted that the town build a covered plank bridge across said river.' The bridge near John Parsons place was built in 1836, and $1600 were raised to pay for it. This bridge was located and established by the selectmen, June 27, 1837, and was warranted to stand ten years. It stood 33 years, and was swept away by the great flood of 1869. The Davis bridge was exceedingly liable to be influenced by high water, and had to be frequently rebuilt. On the 2d day of May, 1840, the town 'voted to build a Trussle Bridge on the old butments near Davises, with the subscription of the inhabitants the other side of the river.'"
Vermont Phoenix (Brattleboro), August 20, 1880.
Postcards in Dick Roy Collection

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