Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges


Snell or Del Ward, Washington County

If you find errors in the data please contact Bill Caswell.

If you would like to provide information on covered bridges that no longer exist from your state, or adopt a state to work on, we would certainly welcome your assistance. Please contact Trish Kane for more information.

Inventory Number: VT/45-12-39x
County: Washington County
Township: Middlesex
Bridge Name: Snell or Del Ward
Truss type:
Roadway Width:
When Lost: Nov 1927
Cause: Flood
If you have a photo of this bridge, please contact us.
"Vermont in Floodtime" mentions this bridge near Del Ward's place near Middlesex. It may be a duplicate of one of the other Middlesex listings. A 1930 news article that mentions the Dell Ward farm describes it as on the Montpelier side of Middlesex. A 1938 article describes a major fire on the Dell S. Ward Farm located on a knoll near the branching of the Montpelier- Middlesex road toward Middlesex Center. This could describe Lower Sunnybrook Road, Lower Barnett Hill Road, or Old Brook Road?
Johnson, Luther B.. Vermont in Flood Time, 1928

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