Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges


Railroad or Gulf, Windsor County

If you find errors in the data please contact Bill Caswell.

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Inventory Number: VT/45-14-59x
County: Windsor County
Township: Hartford
Town/Village: Quechee
Bridge Name: Railroad or Gulf
Crosses: Ottauquechee River
Truss type: Howe Deck
Spans: 1
Length: 281'
Roadway Width:
Built: 1875
When Lost: 1911
Latitude: N43 38.24
Longitude: W072 24.51
See a map of the area
Topographic map of the area
Directions: Woodstock Railroad over 'Quechee Gulf.

Woodstock Railroad Bridge, Quechee Gulf, Windsor County, VT
Card postmarked Feb. 20, 1906, White River Jct., Windsor County, VT
Bill Caswell Collection

Railroad or Gulf Bridge, Hartford, Windsor County, VT Built 1875 Lost 1911
Todd Clark Collection

Railroad deck. Per the Vermont Journal (Windsor), August 21, 1869, "The railroad bridge, in process of erection across the gulf, near Quechee, will be about two hundred feet long and about the same distance from the centre to the ground; and is said to be the highest bridge of the kind in the world." Although a start was made the bridge did not get erected at this time. Per the Bellows Falls Times, June 4, 1875, "Woodstock Railroad. It is very agreeable to at last hear of the practical progress of the Woodstock railroad, and that some of the track is already actually laid. In about five weeks the seven miles to the high bridge will be completed. Meantime the trestle bridge will be erected and in ten days after the permanent bridge arrives on the ground it will be ready for crossing, this will bring the cars into Quechee about the middle of July. It is hoped that the road will be completed or ready to operate through to Woodstock by the first of September."
Bellows Falls Times, June 4, 1875.
Vermont Journal (Windsor), August 21, 1869.
Allen, Richard Sanders. Rare Old Covered Bridges of Windsor County, VT, 1962
National Society For the Preservation of Covered Bridges. Covered Bridge Topics, Volume XXV, No. 2, July 1967, page 11

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