Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges


Simpson Creek or Holland's Mill or W.T. Law, Harrison County

If you find errors in the data please contact Bill Caswell.

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Inventory Number: WV/48-17-12
County: Harrison County
Township: Simpson
Bridge Name: Simpson Creek or Holland's Mill or W.T. Law
Crosses: Simpson Creek
Truss type: Multiple King
Spans: 1
Length: 79'
Roadway Width: 16'
Built: 1881 (M1899)
Builder: Asa S. Hugill
When Lost: standing
Latitude: N39 18.525
Longitude: W080 16.764
See a map of the area
Topographic map of the area
Directions: 0.2 miles west of I-79 (Exit 121 south) on CR24 then 400 feet left and just right on bypassed section of CR24/2. Northwest of Bridgeport.

Simpson Creek or Holland's Mill or W.T. Law Bridge, Simpson, Harrison County, WV Built 1881 (M1888)
Bill Caswell Photo, July 16, 2008

Simpson Creek or Holland's Mill or W.T. Law Bridge, Simpson, Harrison County, WV Built 1881 (M1888)
Bill Caswell Photo, July 16, 2008

Simpson Creek or Holland's Mill or W.T. Law Bridge, Simpson, Harrison County, WV Built 1881 (M1888)
Tom & Linda Burns Photo, January 12, 1986

Simpson Creek or Holland's Mill or W.T. Law Bridge, Simpson, Harrison County, WV Built 1881 (M1888)
Bill Caswell Photo, February 23, 2009

Simpson Creek or Holland's Mill or W.T. Law Bridge, Simpson, Harrison County, WV Built 1881 (M1888)
Richard E. Roy Collection

Simpson Creek or Holland's Mill or W.T. Law Bridge, Simpson, Harrison County, WV Built 1881 (M1888)
Bill Caswell Photo, September 29, 2016

It washed away during a flood in July 1888 and was repositioned about a half mile from its original location. The bridge originally cost $974 to build. Some renovations were done when the bridge was damaged by a falling tree, but in 2002, using special covered bridge funding provided in the TEA-21 federal highway grant program, Allegheny Restoration and Builders, Inc. of Morgantown completed a $380,072 contract to replace deteriorated wood in its structure and siding.
Harmer, Harvey W.. Covered Bridges of Harrison County, WV, 1956, pages 44-49
Auvil, Myrtle. Covered Bridges of West Virginia Past & Present, 1973, page 20
Travis, Dale. 'West Virginia Covered Bridges List', updated to 23 Feb 2005, (12 Mar 2005)
Wood, Miriam F. & Simmons, David A.. Covered Bridges: Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, 2007, pages 262, 277
National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges. World Guide to Covered Bridges, 2021, page 158

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