Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges


Scott or Grist Mill or Bryan or Canyon, Lamoille County

If you find errors in the data please contact Bill Caswell.

If you would like to provide information on covered bridges that no longer exist from your state, or adopt a state to work on, we would certainly welcome your assistance. Please contact Trish Kane for more information.

Inventory Number: VT/45-08-01
County: Lamoille County
Township: Cambridge
Town/Village: Jeffersonville
Bridge Name: Scott or Grist Mill or Bryan or Canyon
Crosses: Brewster River
Truss type: Burr
Spans: 1
Length: 85'
Roadway Width:
Built: 1872
When Lost: standing
Latitude: N44 38.199
Longitude: W072 49.518
See a map of the area
Topographic map of the area
Directions: 0.7 miles south of jct VT15 on VT108, then 400 feet left on Canyon Rd. South of Jeffersonville.

Scott or Grist Mill or Bryant or Grand Canyon Bridge, Cambridge, Lamoille County, VT Built 1872
Bill Caswell Photo, March 9, 2013

Scott or Grist Mill or Bryant or Grand Canyon Bridge, Cambridge, Lamoille County, VT Built 1872
Richard E. Roy Collection

Scott or Grist Mill or Bryan or Canyon Bridge, Cambridge, Lamoille County, VT Built 1872
Bill Caswell Photo, April 25, 2009

Scott or Grist Mill or Bryan or Canyon Bridge, Cambridge, Lamoille County, VT Built 1872
Bill Caswell Photo, April 25, 2009

Scott or Grist Mill or Bryan or Canyon Bridge, Cambridge, Lamoille County, VT Built 1872
Bob Sheldon Photo, September 4, 2011

8-panel truss. In 1952 a freshet washed out a 4' section between the road and the bridge abutment. After temporary repairs failed, a new concrete abutment was poured. These repairs cost $4,800.00. A timber distribution beam was added under the flooring in the 1970s. In 2004 the bridge was rebuilt at a cost of $466,057.05. During construction, the distribution timber added in the 1970's was removed and except for the addition of two wooden joists tie-bolted under the roadway, it remains as it was when originally constructed. The structure rests on the original laid up dry rubble stone abutments. The arches end at the chords. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on June 13, 1974.
Conwill, Joseph D.. Images of America - Vermont Covered Bridges, 2004, page 100
National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges. World Guide to Covered Bridges, 2021, page 142

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