Documenting North America's past & present covered bridges


Greenbanks Hollow, Caledonia County

If you find errors in the data please contact Bill Caswell.

If you would like to provide information on covered bridges that no longer exist from your state, or adopt a state to work on, we would certainly welcome your assistance. Please contact Trish Kane for more information.

Inventory Number: VT/45-03-01x
County: Caledonia County
Township: Danville
Bridge Name: Greenbanks Hollow
Crosses: Joe's Brook
Truss type: Queen
Spans: 1
Length: 74'
Roadway Width: 13.5'
Built: Oct 1880
When Lost: 14 Dec 1885
Latitude: N44 22.652
Longitude: W072 07.322
See a map of the area
Topographic map of the area
Directions: 32.8 miles west of jct VT12B on US2, then 0.8 miles left (1st turn) and 1.8 miles right on Joe's Brook Rd. South-southeast of Danville.
If you have a photo of this bridge, please contact us.
Per The Vermont Union (Lyndon), October 1, 1880, "The town authorities have already partially erected and covered a new bridge across Joe's brook at Greebanks village." Per the Orleans County Monitor (Barton), December 21, 1885, "Monday night [probably December 14, 1885] Benjamin Greenbanks' woolen factories in the southern part of Danville were burned to the ground, together with their contents, his store and contents, house, two barns, with most of their contents. The fire then communicated with the covered highway bridge and destroyed that. Loss to Mr. Greenbanks about $75,000; insured for $25,000." According to Herbert Wheaton Congdon, the 1886 bridge was originally uncovered and the roof was added later. Around 1970, a concrete pier and steel beams were added under the deck. The bridge was rebuilt in 2002.

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