SQPC Number: | QC/61-27-01 | County: | Huntingdon County | Township: | Elgin - Hinchinbrook | Town/Village: | Powerscourt | Bridge Name: | Powerscourt | Crosses: | Rivière Châteauguay | Truss type: | McCallum | Spans: | 2 | Length: | 164'-7", 50.2m | Roadway Width: | | Built: | 1861 | Builder: | | When Lost: | standing | Cause: | | Latitude: | N45 00.421 | Longitude: | W074 09.669 | | See a map of the area Topographic map of the area | Directions: | 4.6 miles north of US11 at Chateaugay, NY on River St. to Canadian border, continue 1.3 miles (2.1 km) ahead, then 3.2 miles (5.1 km) left on chemin de la 1re-Concession. At Powerscourt. |
 Pont de Powerscourt, Elgin-Hinchenbrook, Montérégie Region, QC Built 1861 Bill Caswell Photo, September 20, 2008 Pont de Powerscourt, Elgin-Hinchenbrook, Montérégie Region, QC Built 1861 Richard E. Roy Collection (1973)
 Pont de Powerscourt, Elgin-Hinchenbrook, Montérégie Region, QC Built 1861 Verna B. Gatchell Photo (1953), Richard E. Roy Collection
Sources: Historic American Engineering Record report NY-332 by Lola Bennett in March 2004. http://www.mtq.gouv.qc.ca/portal/page/portal/grand_public/vehicules_promenade/reseau_routier/structures/ponts_couverts/visite_ponts/monteregie Arbour, Gérald & Forest, Gaétan. List of Québec Bridges, 2006 National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges. World Guide to Covered Bridges, 2021, page 190 |